"2024" | By Jivan Mukta


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Eight: the Healing experience of rediscovering innocence.

The Universe is constituted of pure energy, continually moving and expanding. This energy is alive; it undergoes growth, potential decay, and transformation, but it remains ever-present.

At both macro and micro scales in our reality, energy propels every atom and galaxy. All within this Universe is alive. Matter embodies energy, and energy embodies matter, resonating with life and light. This is Einstein's portrayal of it: E=mc2

“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” - Albert Einstein

From complex macromolecules to simple microorganisms. What happens in between that brings about Life? What turned a sophisticated molecule into a simple form of life?

Read below for a deeper understanding from the perspective of the symbolism of number 8, the sum of the new year's digits.

Prana: “Living Energy”

“It is the spark of life that activates movement.”

— Gurudass Singh Khalsa

Number 8 is the most vital of all numbers. In the 10 dimensions of the human being, it corresponds to the ‘Pranic’ dimension. Our Pranic Body is the one that infuses life from infinite to finite and vice versa. The human Pranic Body is the energetic body that absorbs, supports, and expands our life on this planet. And it is represented by number 8. It is the same as Chi or Ki, as understood in Chinese medicine. It sustains the vital functioning of the heart, digestion, body temperature, the performance of our nervous system, glandular balance, emotional expression, the correct flow of life through meridians, intellectual faculties, and ultimately the experience of our embodied spirit.

Heal Your Wounds and Finances

“The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.”

— Hippocrates

This year might be an opportunity for healing, as life force is the overarching year’s theme. There is a chance to the healing of the material (body and finances), the healing of the mental/emotional (to become clear and mature) and the healing of the astral (overcoming family wound-patterns and spiritual karmas).

Your Pranic Body asks you to not ignore your bio-energy and your self-sustainability protocols; otherwise, you could have a rather hazardous year with your health or even finances. Money is energy, too. Money flows; that is why it is also called “currency”, coming from the Latin “to run,” “to flow.”. Did you know that because of your energy you do things that make you earn, attract or repel money? Think this way: money is energy that can move things and convert your dreams into a concrete manifestation. Now act this way: allow your energy to flow, fearlessly, and you will experience an increase of material resources. Mend your relationship with money. Allow money to flow in and out—that is the process. Yet, don’t miss the point! The crucial task at hand is to reestablish the flow of Prana within you. When this is achieved, your heart will feel empowered, enabling the distribution of vital energy and resources to reach every corner of your existence.

Get your energies together and be practical: accept the invitation of this year’s theme and learn about your Prana, your life force. Experience your energy mindfully. Take care of the three fundamental supplies of life: proper sleeping (neither too much nor too little), proper food (quality, quantity, and intervals), and proper breathing (known in yoga as pranayama or breath-work). Improving your life style will expand your use of Prana and therefore your longevity. Heal and stay healthy.

The transmission of Prana and the movilization of Prana in someone’s body produces healing at many levels. And it can be achieve through several mechanism. Click here to read more.

Healing is indeed one of the highest manifestation of the infinity game played by Prana… Your heart is the key organ for this to happen. What you want to experience in life depends on how purely you can tap into the infinite self within and live vitally in the narrow reality of the 3D… This is the secret of healing and success.

The Infinity of ∞

“8 is a number of return of infinity where everything comes back to itself, where everything comes and goes.”

— Shiv Charan Singh

What is the number 8? Symbolically, it represents eternity, with no beginning and no end. It is the infinite that also contains finite reality. Check this 2024, how the people and nations relate to the limitations of energy resources and power? And how do new resources emerge to the public? See it in your life: how are you living? Abundantly? Or in scarcity? Are you vital, motivated, and inspired? Or are you squeezed by the limitation and finitude of material reality? Infinity exists, and it exists within you and in everyone. And there is an infinite order of things and an infinite game to play. Are you willing to play that game?

What's finite within you? Allow me to remind you—the ego. And what's infinite? Let's term it the essence. Yogis and others understand through experience: our essence is an expression and source of the purest living energy. In human affairs you encounter either tension between the infinite and finite or a seamless flow between the two. “Falling in love” with infinity is the most magical aspect of our Pranic Body; it extends its influence, strength, and promotes longevity. Your Pranic Body loves the purest form of energy, the infinite one within. Grasping this can save time, steer you away from finite games, and foster healing in your relationships.

The Yoga of Aligning the Ego towards the Infinite Self

“Love is in the air.”

— John Paul Young

Often, the ego creates the conditions to put you or keep you in the cage of the “survival” mood… cut from the flow of purposeful life. Scared, limited. But number 8 represents the flow of energy. So be aware that when you get stuck, it is your ego that is stuck. Thus, you experience how you are cut off from the flow of spontaneous prosperity and health.

With an experience of your infinity, the issues you face in life are always seen in a different and wider perspective. With a sense of infinity in our minds or hearts, we can stand much more, endure difficult tests, and tap into the precious emotion of fearlessness.

Everyone knows this octagon… This is to tell you that you must STOP everything that does not go along with who you truly are.

Although the ego is not necessarily the best friend, it is not an enemy either. It is simply a finite aspect, so please don’t waste time punishing or trying to kill your ego either. Look into the ego-based fear, the finite self within you, the one who feels victimised, disempowered, and not enough, and drop those ideas! You are much more than what you can think or imagine; you are partly infinite too!

Love is the quintessential expression of infinity, and it is directly linked to the engines of life and Prana in our bodies: the heart and lungs. A vision, experience, or dream of what is infinite might offer you unknown solutions to the health and growth of relationships. Relationships, I have seen so many times, that were not planted on the grounds of a vision leading 'unto Infinity' end up struggling with finite games and ego games... If a romantic relationship does not come from the place where both parties are tuned together to see life and live the process as a journey towards infinity (in whichever way the couple chooses to understand infinity – religiously or not, it does not matter), the relationship will struggle and be confined to finite games, negotiations, and eventually not survive... Selfish love is opposite to unconditional love. Love is an infinite game, not a trade for pleasure. Love has the power to turn anything into something infinite, undying and unbreakable.

The most feared eight-legged creature everywhere. Are you ensnared in the spider-web of your own fears? Shake it off! Most fears are woven by your own mind when lacking energy.

To confront and conquer fear, there's no superior method than reconnecting to the flow of life within you—breathing in and out. Slowly, consciously. This is the most natural technology yoga offers. If you haven't learned it before, embrace long and deep breathing this year. Breathing allows the sense of infinite flow to imprint in your deep psyche, expanding you beyond the void some feel in their hearts. Deep breathing is one of the simplest paths where fear loses its grip. The more you practice conscious breathing, the more fearless you become. Automatically, you open the door to genuine self-love. Fear is the direct opposite of love, and the two struggle to coexist harmoniously.

Check your #8

“Master your eight body, the pranic body, and you will win your battle with fear … to open your pranic body you need to release the protective armoring around your heart so you can breathe deeply”
— Guruchander Singh Khalsa - Yogi

Let’s get personal. The numbers contained in our date of birth encode relevant personal meanings that can help us embrace life with better understanding. There are 5 areas to consider in Numerology. These areas are symbolically defined by the numbers extracted from the date of birth. These 5 key aspects reflect your life plan, and they are: 1. Soul, 2. Karma, 3. Gift, 4. Destiny and 5. Path. Each of these key aspects will have a number that is extracted from the day you were born, the month and the year. And yes, you only need to know your date of birth! Let’s take a look at the combination that give #8

#8 in Soul: Calculated by summing the numbers of the day you were born: for example on the 8th, 17th or 26th (=8) of any month. Often the profile in this case is characterised by the inner experience of vitality or the lack of it. On the difficult side, the feeling of lack of strength and paralysing fears, on the easy side the deep feeling of invincibility and vitality. Life theme is to toughen one’s brave heart without losing its innocence. Your connection to your soul takes place when you are rested, vital, fed and nourished by good energies. Clean environments are for you the best. You can bring about harmony through conscious breath. Or through keeping a good relationship to good sources of energy (sleep, food, people, etc). Your challenge might show as unstable sense of inner power. And fear might freeze you. This year will give you an opportunity to face and overcome deep fears. Trust your power, because within you, the infinity is flowing and breathing. Deep in your heart you know this, right? This is a great year to heal yourself!

#8 in Karma: Those who were born in August (month number 8) are often entangled with the groups and collective resources. They are here to serve LIFE through group dynamics. See your challenge, the overwhelming pull to the vitality of others? or the lack of consistency and power to keep your own energy levels? Power games? It is the weakness or strength of your breathing pattern that is underneath this all. Do you stop breathing when challenged? If this configuration is weak you might be drawn to tap into the energy of others… if it is too strong people might feel you are too much... To feed from others or be the food for others might be a common thing here. In essence you are responding to energy deficiency or fear. Whose energy is more stable in the room? How pure your intention is? Resolve these questions and your karma will take a good direction. Detox, purify, fast and change bad habits. Rediscover your innocence. And for sure, heal your relationships!

#8 in in Gift: Calculated by summing the 2 last digits of the year of birth: 2017, 2008, 1998, 1989, 1980, 1971, 1962, etc. (=8) This year is good for displaying your gift! Share your contagious vitality and act from the goodness of intention. You can naturally navigate different duties, projects and emotional circumstances. Plus you can have an intensity and impact through your actions and interactions. You can empower yourself and others. You feel enough, complete and tuned with the energy and God. Stay empathic, people often do not know how their energy works. Share your prosperity, create an overflow based on your ability to remain with vitality. Give and give more and see the pendulum of infinite possibilities coming back to you. Rest when you need, and enjoy the recharging process. And heal others!

#8 in in Destiny: Calculated by summing the numbers of the birth year: for example 2024, 2015, 2006, 1997, 1988, 1979, 1970, etc. (=8). You have come to a crossroads of a great significance. You are moving into another chapter of your destiny. Are you embracing the good habits that make you feel empowered, prosperous and vital? Polish your intentions and the energy to fulfil them will fully be at your disposal. You are born to experience the blessings of your vital self. You are to be an example of integrity. You have a pure heart awaiting to heal areas of your life and the world. Expand your reach, shake your fears off and sit in your innocence. And what is that? That you were born to live according to an infinite game, not the limited finite manipulative game of the ego. You are to become a healing force in the world.

#8 in Path: This is calculated by the full sum of the date of birth (day, month and year). This aspect of life is only available for those who understand their life as a path. It requires a sense of something bigger and meaningful, with an infinite potential that guides you. A path is a journey. Yours is to serve LIFE. It implies that you come from fearlessness and behave trusting the hand of infinity in yourself, actions and purpose. A year 8 is YOUR YEAR to step up and step forward. It is your path and success in some way will knock at your door. Flow with it and be fearless in front of the challenges that are part of your path. Keep your vitality and experience the overflow of abundant resources in your life.

Success is basically the outcome of consistently playing the infinite game.

Succeed in 2024

And for everyone, the equation for success can be expressed in this way: the purer the intentions + the purer the actual manifestations of these intentions = the more success. Wise men from every corner of life say the same thing: 'Victory belongs to the pure ones' (Guru Gobind Singh) or 'Only those with a pure heart will see God' (Jesus), just to mention two. Realise that this year will bring you a surge of vitality and challenges to purify your ego, your intentions, and your body. Why? So you can have an experience of what is infinite in your life and expand your experience of vitality!

So let’s go back to basics. It's no coincidence that oxygen is element number 8 on the periodic table. Now, observe how the regular practice of breath-work will purify your mind and heart. This is no coincidence. As you develop this, the balanced flow of life force, of Prana, will purify your entire being. Breathing consciously and with a yogic pattern is a life-transforming and healing experience that reconnects you to your own innocence, vitality, fearlessness and essence.

Take a deep breath and have a great 2024!

Jivan Mukta

Ps: If you wish to learn more about breath-work and Pranayam click here


- Tantric Numerology. Science of Soul Mastery. Guruchander Singh Khalsa – Yogi. Radiant Light Press. New Mexico 1993.

- Let The Number Guide You. The Spiritual Science of Numerology. Shiv Charan Singh. O Books. London. 2004.

- Numerologia Tántrica. Gurudass Singh Khalsa and María Lapuente. Ed. Alas. 5ta Edicion.Bareclona 2000.