RE MAN SHABAD | 1001 Repetitions | Online


RE MAN SHABAD | 1001 Repetitions | Online


Online Mantra Repetition streamed from Gran Canary | space holder, Jivan Mukta, PhD

On Saturday 15th of June from 6:00 to 17:30 (London)

  • Magnify your radiance

  • Ignite your courage

  • Find deepest inner peace

Reman Shabad is for establishing a profound connection with the light of your inner self and destiny. Process your own mind, and let go of old patterns for good.

Online Mantra meditation held Live and streamed via Zoom from Gran Canary
Join us for an 11-hour intensive meditation online. This will be continuous meditation from morning to evening. The 1001 repetition has been extended by 30 minutes so that you may take short breaks along the process without deviating from the full 1001 repetition.

This Japa meditation day qualifies as the required meditation day of the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 (KRI).

The Re Man Shabad was composed by Guru Gobind Singh (Dasam Granth), the enlightened tenth master of the Sikh lineage. With devotion and yogic discipline, the recitation of this mantra induces deep meditative brainwaves in those who recite it. The mantra was developed using sound and vibration as a means of generating true spirituality:

Re man eh bidh jog kamao
Singi saach akapat kanthala
Dhiaan bibhut charhaao
Taati gaho aatam bas kar ki
Bechaa naam adhaarang
Baaje param taar tat har ko
Upaje raag rasaarang
Ughate taan tarang rang ate giaan git bandhaanang
Chak chak rahe dev daanav mun
Chhak chaak biiom bivaanang
Aatam upades bhes sanjam ko
Jaap so ajapa jaape
Sada rahe kanchan si kaja
Kaal na kabahu byaapee

“Oh, my mind practice Yoga in this way:
Let Truth be your horn, sincerity your necklace, and meditation the ashes you apply on your body.
Catch your burning soul (self) and stop the flames.
Let the soul (self) be the alms bowl in which you collect the sweet Naam and this will be the only support you will ever need.
The Universe plays its divine music. The sound of reality is shrill, but this is where God is.
When you listen to the reality from this place of awareness the sweet essence of Raag arises.
Waves of melodies, emotions, and passions arise and flow through you. Bind yourself with the song of God.
The Universe spins like a potter’s wheel and from it fly demons and angels. The sage listens to this and instead of getting caught in either one, the sage drinks in the nectar of the heavens and is carried to the heavens in a divine chariot.
Instruct and clothe yourself with self control. Meditate unto infinity until you are meditating without meditating.
In this way, your body shall remain forever golden, and death shall never approach you”

- By Guru Gobind Singh, in Dasam Granth (translation Snatam Kaur)

Fee 11€

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